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Saturday, October 10, 2009

नोबेल पुरस्कार राशि दान करेंगे ओबामा


नोबेल पुरस्कार राशि दान करेंगे ओबामा
अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा ने नोबेल शांति पुरस्कार के तहत मिलने वाली लगभग 14 लाख अमेरिकी डालर की राशि परमार्थ संस्थाओं को दान देने का फैसला किया है।


Anonymous said...

प्रिये दोस्तों,
आप सभी को हमारी तरफ से दीपावली की हार्दिक शुभ कामनाएं...!!

Anonymous said...

Most people know that you can use numerology to analyze
character, abilities, psychological interests and
destinies but few people are also aware that you can
also use it to predict life cycles.

In numerology the cycle is nine years with a Year 1
personal year signifying a rebirth and the number 9
representing the end or an era or phase in one's life.

Depending on what year it is you could be going through
any one of nine cycles including a year 3 which is a
year in which you are likely to find creative success
or a year 6, which is the year when you are most likely
to find a soul mate.

The value of this kind of numerology is that it can
tell you what would be a waste of time and focus during
a particular cycle. For instance if you are going
through a year 7, which is better suited to self
improvement and educational improvements you are better
off to focus on yourself rather than finding a soulmate
which is best accomplished in a year 6.

Have you ever had one of those years where suddenly
you made a lot of money and you could do no wrong? In
that case you were more than likely experiencing a
personal year number 8 which is all about prosperity.
In fact if you are entering a personal year number 8
that would be an indicator that it is time to ask for a
raise, launch your own business or buy property or

Another type of year that stands out for many is a year
number 9. In this cycle it seems that everything that
you are not making use of anymore is simply taken away.
It is the number of revolution - the process of decay
before a rebirth.

A year that might feel as if you are just treading
water, might be a number 2 year for you. When you go
through this year it feels like you don't get much
accomplished no matter what you do!

To calculate your personal year reduce the month and
day of your birth to a single digit. Then add this to
the year you want to examine (2010)

The Personal Year is helpful in evaluating the trend of
the coming calendar year. For a clue as to what lies
ahead in the coming year, the current year or any year
calculate your personal year using this formula:

First, reduce the month and day of your birth, your
birthday, to a single digit. Let's use George W. Bush
as an example. He was born 7/6/1948.

We add together the month and the day of birth which in
President Bush's case = 13. This is reduced to the
single digit of 4. If your month and day years reduce
down to one of the master numbers (11 or 22) then
reduce them down to 2 or 4 respectively.

We are interested in looking at George Bush's current
year, which is 2010.

Your next step would be to reduce 2010 down to a single
digit. 2010 reduces to 3 (2+0+1+0=3).

Now add the reduction of President Bush's month and
year which is the number 4 to the reduction of the
current year which equals 7: 4+3= 7.

We can also use personal year calculations to look at
present and past years as well. For instance during the
World Trade Center Attack in 2001, George Bush was
going through the a Personal Year 7. The number seven
represents analysis, secrecy and genius.

Once again the calculation for figuring out your personal
year is very simple.

It is your BIRTHDAY plus the MONTH you were born plus

In the next newsletter we will give you the full
interpretations for all nine personal year numbers!